Wyoming Registered Agent, Registered Agent Fee: $75
Every year, the corporation must file an annual report with the Wyoming Secretary of State. Assets within Wyoming borders are reported. Any assets not within the state of Wyoming must not be reported to the Secretary of State. The reporting fee is $50 in most instances, since it’s based upon the assets of the corporation within the state of Wyoming. Call 307.237.2580 for more information on Wyoming corporations and our Wyoming registered agent service.
The registered agent acts as the service of process for the corporation. Anyone trying to obtain information from the registered agent (IRS, Law Enforcement, private persons) can serve papers upon the corporation by serving them upon the registered agent. In other words, contacting the registered agent is the same as contacting the corporation. In Wyoming, they are called registered agents. In Nevada, they are called resident agents.
According to regulations over mail forwarding services, many instances require a PMB on the mailing address. This stands for Post Mail Box. It tells the sender of the mail that it’s going to be redirected to some other location. Registered agents are exempted from this requirement. In many instances, we also serve as corporate officer for the corporations (nominee officer service).
Each Wyoming corporation must have a registered agent in Wyoming. A person can serve as the registered agent for his own Wyoming corporation if he lives in Wyoming.
A Wyoming registered agent serves as the point of contact for the public and the authorities in terms of receiving legal notice for the corporation. In contrast, the nominee officer is really the corporate officer of the Wyoming corporation. The nominee officer is directed by the stockholders of the corporation.
A corporation formed outside the state of Wyoming, intending to do business in Wyoming, must file as a foreign corporation with the Wyoming Secretary of State.
A corporation formed in Wyoming intending to do business in another state, such as California, must file to engage in business in California. Examples include a card shop, pizza restaurant or auto repair business.
File to do business in your home state if the substance of the corporation is in your home state. You’re welcome to use our office in Wyoming as well as your home office. See your tax adviser if you have questions about the corporate presence.

Shelf Corporation For $1700, 5 Years Old. Request List Here.
Call 307.237.2580 if you have any questions or concerns.